
Last Minute Christmas Gifts for a Track Junkie

Stuck for a last minute gift or stocking stuffer? Spouse asking what to get you? Here's our list. Lets start with some smaller driver accessory items: Racing gloves.  Fireproof, yes.  But also important is that they absorb perspiration and improve your grip on the steering wheel.  I strongly recommend getting a bright colour (mine are red [...]

By | 2017-10-24T14:14:30-06:00 December 19th, 2015|Announcements|Comments Off on Last Minute Christmas Gifts for a Track Junkie

Thanks for 2015

Today's sell-out was such a great way to conclude our 3rd successful season and our 59th event. Thanks to all our participants, for putting your trust in us to provide you with safe and fun motorsport events. Thanks to our exceptional marshals who have braved wind, rain and even snow this year. Thanks to our [...]

By | 2015-12-19T07:35:39-07:00 October 12th, 2015|Announcements|Comments Off on Thanks for 2015

Alex Tagliani to test with Track Junkies May 8th

We've been approached by Castrol Raceway to ask if we have room for Alex Tagliani to join our May 8th open lapping event. Duh.  Well of course we do!!!! Here's the deal ... Alex is doing a cross-Canada school and media tour for Anaphylaxis Canada with the Team EpiPen #18 NASCAR Dodge. His team is going to [...]

By | 2015-04-28T14:06:43-06:00 April 28th, 2015|Announcements|Comments Off on Alex Tagliani to test with Track Junkies May 8th

2015 Season Update

Greetings, fellow Track Junkies. As you peer out the window at today's grey sky, it may help to remember that the track season is just around the corner. That's right ... our first two Track Junkies events are just 10 weeks away and filling up fast. And we've been working behind the scenes to prepare for [...]

By | 2017-10-24T14:14:30-06:00 February 18th, 2015|Announcements|Comments Off on 2015 Season Update

Announcing the 2015 Track Junkies program

We are excited to announce our 2015 Track Junkies lapping event schedule, as well as some changes to the Track Junkies program that we hope will make our events even more enjoyable and popular.  Here are our 2015 open lapping dates: Friday, May 8 from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (precedes WMCA race license school) (For [...]

By | 2017-10-24T14:14:30-06:00 December 6th, 2014|Announcements|Comments Off on Announcing the 2015 Track Junkies program

Thanks for a great 2014 season

We’d like to express my appreciation to all those who made 2014 a great year. To our marshals and safety crew, thank you for keeping us safe, for being our eyes and ears, for letting us know when we needed to let someone else by, for standing out in the rain and wind and cold, and [...]

By | 2014-12-06T11:43:17-07:00 October 18th, 2014|Announcements|Comments Off on Thanks for a great 2014 season

BONUS OFFER for July 30th open lapping participants

If you are thinking of attending our next open lapping event on July 30th, here's a great offer from our partner Castrol Raceway to sweeten the deal ... Our road course event takes place on the same date as The Race of Champions: Legends of NASCAR event over on Castrol's dirt oval.  This event features NASCAR legends, defending [...]

By | 2017-10-24T14:14:30-06:00 July 15th, 2014|Announcements|Comments Off on BONUS OFFER for July 30th open lapping participants

Fast Food (in car video)

Thanks to our friend and fellow Track Junkies instructor Peter Spencer for sharing some in-car video of the Subway car, recorded at our open lapping event on Sunday May 11 at Castrol Raceway. For those who don't know, the Subway-sponsored car is a 2010 Porsche GT3 Cup factory-built race car pushing out 450 bhp through a [...]

By | 2017-10-24T14:14:30-06:00 May 15th, 2014|Announcements|Comments Off on Fast Food (in car video)

May 11 Paddock Parking

FOR THIS SUNDAY ONLY ... we are sharing paddock space with the drag racers, who will already have moved into their rented stalls.  Track Junkies participants who do NOT have trailers are asked to please park in the HOT PIT. The Hot Pit is accessed by driving west on the drag return road and doing a U-turn at the end [...]

By | 2017-10-24T14:14:30-06:00 May 6th, 2014|Announcements|Comments Off on May 11 Paddock Parking

One month and counting!

The weather may be cool today with snow still blanketing the ground, but we are just one month away from our first open lapping event of the season at Castrol Raceway.  We have some exciting changes this season ... lower rates, more dates, pace car lapping for newbies, and options for gifting to name just [...]

By | 2017-10-24T14:14:30-06:00 April 1st, 2014|Announcements|Comments Off on One month and counting!