As it applies to the Terms of Use and legal stuff herein, “Track Junkies” includes 1612537 Alberta Ltd. operating as Track Junkies, sponsors of Track Junkies, suppliers to Track Junkies, any and all related companies and societies and third parties, their respective directors, officers, employees, volunteers and agents. “Our Sites” refers to all websites and social media web pages that promote and/or support Track Junkies and its activities.
Copyright and Trade-mark Notices: All material on Our Sites is Copyright © 2013 and later by Track Junkies. Without limiting generality, this includes all words, phrases, images, pictures, graphics, designs, sounds, and documents in whole and in part. Our Sites may also display trade names, registered or unregistered trade-marks or service marks of Track Junkies or of third parties that are used under license, or Copyright material owned by other parties. All rights are reserved by the respective owners. Display on Our Sites does not imply the grant of any license or right to any person or organization. This material may not be reproduced in any form, or by any means, without prior written permission. Such written permission can be sought by contacting Track Junkies.
Links Found On Our Sites: Links from Our Sites to other websites or social media web pages are intended to provide information to users of Our Sites, in good faith and without prejudice. Track Junkies makes reasonable effort to provide information in proper context, where such may be necessary. Track Junkies makes no representation as to value or accuracy of such information, which the destination website may change from time-to-time outside the control of Track Junkies. Inability to control information provided and controlled by others is a fundamental risk of Internet communications.
Links To our Sites: Links to Our Sites are welcome, provided the context of Our Sites is referenced in good faith and without malice and with full credit given to Track Junkies. Display of information from Our Sites without disclosing its true source (cloaking) is prohibited. Display of information from Our Sites without proper context, or in any way that misleads, is prohibited.
Good Faith: All information on Our Sites is provided free of charge, in good faith, and without prejudice.
Voluntary Disclosure: Users of Our Sites (you) are not required to provide any personal information unless they (you) choose to do so. Our Sites may recognize the user’s IP address (or alternately the IP address of your Internet Service Provider) and the pages users visit, but will not recognize the user’s name, e-mail address or any other personal information. We reserve the right to use “cookie”, scripting, or data mining technologies to obtain or track information.
Confidentiality: Information voluntarily disclosed by users of Our Sites (you) will not be sold or willingly disclosed to any third party. It may, however, be used to provide information to users in future, and/or to communicate certain commercial offers deemed to be of interest. Should users wish not to be contacted, their request will be honoured.
No Warranty: The information on Our Sites is provided “as is”, with all faults. While Track Junkies believes the information to be correct, it makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, quality or adequacy of the information.
Changes to Information: Changes may be made at any time to the information contained on Our Sites without prior notice. The nature of Internet communications is that it may be changed in real time.
No Advice: Information provided on Our Sites is not intended to constitute legal or professional advice, and should not be relied upon in any such regard. Many factors unknown to us may affect whether the statements or comments we make on our web site are applicable to any user’s particular circumstances.
Security of Internet Communications in General: Notwithstanding the use of encryption technology, neither Our Sites nor the Internet in general are considered a secure medium for communication. Any confidential, proprietary or sensitive information transmitted by a user by means of this web site may be read and copied by unauthorized persons. Track Junkies cannot ensure the privacy, accuracy and authenticity of any information or instructions a user sends to us or we send to a user over the Internet. Track Junkies will not be responsible for any damages users may incur by communicating confidential information over the Internet, or if we communicate such information to users.
Liability: Track Junkies expressly disclaims any liability for losses or damages, whether direct or indirect, special or consequential, incurred by any user of this web site. By accessing Our Sites, each user releases Track Junkies from all claims and proceedings for all such losses, damages or consequences.
Social Media Posting Guidelines:
Our social media communities are intended to provide a place for fans of Track Junkies to discuss our services and your community. We welcome the diverse range of opinions that users (you) have to share and we want participants in our social media communities to have an honest conversation about our services, our team, and items of interest to the motorsport community. The Social Media Posting Guidelines we have established are meant to set the tone of the conversation and clearly lay the ground rules to ensure that everyone visiting our social media communities has a positive experience.
Respect everyone and keep it clean: Our social media communities are public, and we want everyone who visits to feel comfortable. A good conversation requires a community who is considerate to one another. Please be polite and treat everyone who you refer to with respect, including Track Junkies, our sponsors, our team, and our community. Civility and respect for the ideas of others is expected, always. Please give other posters “charity” when posts may have multiple meanings, or their meaning is unclear. We won’t tolerate attacks, and we’ll be forced to remove any content that includes profanity or obscenity, advocates or encourages expressions of violence, retaliation, bigotry, racism or hatred.
Be constructive: We are here to listen and help. Please try to focus on what we can do to help you instead of simply taking out your frustrations on us!
Don’t misinform or mislead: We will remove any comments that make false or unsubstantiated allegations.
Don’t spam: We entertain legitimate comments, but we won’t tolerate spam, excessive commenting (commenting multiple times in succession within the same post), or cross-posting (providing the same comment in multiple social media platforms or wall posts).
Don’t break the law: Illegal content or behaviour is not allowed. Don’t link or post any copyrighted or pornographic material, and don’t engage in behaviours like harassment, impersonation, intimidation or abuse. Track Junkies is not responsible for any use of material posted by users.
Permission to reuse: Anything you post online immediately becomes accessible to the public. We consider that level of willing disclosure to be permission to use the materials in other ways, if we choose, provided credit is given. If you don’t want us to reuse your material, DON’T SHARE IT on Our Sites!
The last resort: We don’t really want to have to do this, but at our sole and final discretion, Track Junkies may warn, suspend, and if necessary permanently ban commenters that ignore, flaunt or disregard these guidelines. Egregious disregard for these guidelines may also result in your being banned from our events.
Remember… we cannot possibly monitor posts on a 24/7 basis. Comments, private messages and the like will be responded to promptly, once we become aware of them.