Track Junkies Events for 2025

Track Junkies Events for 2025 2025-01-07T07:48:59-07:00
(All events will be on the full 2.7 km track).

* The above is a preliminary schedule … dates and times are subject to change.

All rates are per event.   Our rates are $295+gst. If you are new to us, you will need an instructor which is an additional $100+gst.
Half Days available at all events for $149+gst. Novices must take their first day as a FULL day entry with instructor.

All rates are per driver, not per car.  If two drivers wish to share one car, we put each driver in a separate run group (and each with a their own instructor if required) so each obtains ample seat time.  We do not offer a reduced “sharing” rate.  Conversely, a driver may drive multiple cars at an event providing each is suitably prepared and a self-tech inspection has been completed on each car in advance of the event.